Inbound students Study Abroad and Exchange at the University of Melbourne

myMelbourne Photo Competition Entry

$150 Amazon Voucher

Photos should encapsulate your mobility experience while studying in Melbourne – be creative!

  • Include your name and names of others in the photo, as well as your home institution, and Melbourne student ID (only current students are eligible)
  • Provide up to 50 words describing your photo and experience, including where it was taken
  • Deadline: Photos (2 max) will be accepted until Friday 29th August 2014 send as e-mail attachments to Melbourne Global Mobility

Please send the highest quality photo possible but use the following format requirements for your photo:

  • Dimensions: 800 x 600 pixels or vice versa
  • Resolution: 300 dots per inch (dpi)
  • File size: Not more than 2MB
  • Format: JPEG

You must complete the attached form (62 KB pdf) with signatures of anyone who is identifiable in the photo which allows the University to use your photo. You may sign, scan and email the form along with your photos. (Note: If there are no individuals featured prominently in your photo you may simply provide email permission of photo use.)

If you are unable to scan and email the form please submit in person at our Front Counter during opening hours (11.00am - 3.00pm, Monday to Friday) or send to:

Melbourne Global Mobility
John Smyth Building
The University of Melbourne, VIC 3010

Judging will take place via the University of Melbourne Study Abroad & Exchange Facebook page. After the closing date all photos will be uploaded to our Facebook page at the same time and students, colleagues and friends will be asked to vote for their favourite photo by ‘liking’ it. At 5.00pm on Thursday 18th September 2014 (Melbourne, Australia Time), the photo with the most ‘likes’ will be identified as the winner of this semester’s photo competition.

Winning photos will be posted on the photo competition webpage of the Melbourne Global Mobility website where past winners can currently be seen.